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Les Meilleures

Director(s): Marion Desseigne-RavelFR80 min.2021
56%(9 ratings)
CategoriesL, fiction
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesFrench (orig.)
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor
Parisian teenager Nedjma lives with her mother and sister, spending most of the summer with her crew of friends. But when she meets Zina – a girl from another gang – her life turns upside down. Their sworn rivalry by day gives way to clandestine romance by night.Nedjma finds herself spinning out of control, caught in a conflict between her gang’s values and her own desire, which no one else around her can even comprehend, let alone tolerate. Which will she choose? What is her true identity? IMDb trailer
Projection of Besties at SLOVAK QUEER FILM FESTIVAL 2022
Contemporary Cinema
26. Nov
Film was already screened
29. Nov
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change