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Where Butterflies Don't Fly
Kam motýli nelétají

Director(s): Roman NěmecCZ126 min.2022
81%(39 ratings)
CategoriesG, fiction
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesCzech (orig.)
Black and white / colourcolor

Daniel is an odd guy who lives with his endlessly quarrelling parents uncomplaining about his destiny. He keeps a distance from other people, he has no friends, nobody understands him, he is different. He will be turning nineteen and the last thing he would spend his time on is a preparation for his approaching graduation. Adam is his class teacher. He is gay who lives in a relationship with his younger partner David and his strictly guarded secret keeps locked behind a door of their apartment. Daniel and Adam live in their own bubbles until a moment when they both happen to be together in life threat. Lost in the darkness, cut off from the rest of the world, they are both looking for a way out. How far will they be willing to go? IMDb trailer
Projection of Where Butterflies Don't Fly at SLOVAK QUEER FILM FESTIVAL 2022
Queer CzechoSlovakia
26. Nov
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change