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Sisi & I
Sisi & Ich

Director(s): Frauke FinsterwalderDE, CH, AT132 min.2023
83%(6 ratings)
CategoriesQ, fiction
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesEnglish, German, French (orig.)
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor

Sisi has reached the last half of her life. Countess Irma finds her in an aristocratic women-only commune in Greece, a whole universe away from the strict etiquette of Austria-Hungary's court. Sisi lives in absolute freedom, in which neither her children nor her husband Emperor Franz Joseph play any sort of role. The only important thing is that no one should ever be bored and that the empress herself decides the rules of the game. Irma is captivated by the charismatic Sisi and her modern ideas. But the outside world is reaching out to break Sisi. And no matter how much Irma and Sisi resist, in the end they are left with only one fatal path that will bind the two women together forever. IMDb trailer
Projection of Sisi & I at SLOVAK QUEER FILM FESTIVAL 2023
Contemporary Cinema
23. Nov
Film was already screened
25. Nov
Film was already screened