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Bi the Way
Bi the Way

Director(s): Amir Ovadia SteklovDE15 min.2022
65%(8 ratings)
Categoriesanimation, B
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesEnglish (orig.)
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor

Bi The Way is a short, funny, and intimate animated film about Amir’s life-journey as a bisexual cis man. The film portrays Amir’s story from early childhood until today, his struggle to fit in a binary culture, and why he feels invisible in the LGBTQIA community. The film follows Amir's personal life story plus interviews with world renowned researchers in the field of gender studies.

Projection of Bi the Way at SLOVAK QUEER FILM FESTIVAL 2022
25. Nov
Film block: FFi shorts: Born This Way
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change