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We Have Never Been Modern

Director(s): Matěj ChlupáčekCZ117 min.2023
91%(9 ratings)
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesCzech, Slovak (orig.)
Black and white / colourcolor

Helena, is about to give birth and face a rosy future in a modern city, as the pregnant wife of an important factory manager. However, all her illusions soon perish, as the dead body of a newborn intersex baby is found in the middle of their factory. Helena needs to find out what happened here for the safety of her own child, but she runs into her own prejudices. IMDb trailer
Projection of We Have Never Been Modern at SLOVAK QUEER FILM FESTIVAL 2023
Queer CzechoSlovakia
23. Nov
Film was already screened
23. Nov
Film was already screened