What a FeelingWhat a Feeling
Director(s): Kat RohrerAT110 min.2024
89%(16 ratings)
Categories | fiction, L |
Accessibility | not suitable for minors under 12 years of age |
Content descriptors | vulgarisms, sex |
Languages | English, German, Persian (Farsi) (orig.) |
Subtitles | English, slovak |
Black and white / colour | color |
Marie Theres, a successful doctor, had different plans for her 20th wedding anniversary. Did her husband Alexander really have to break up with her that evening? As a result of this unpleasant turn of events, Marie Theres does what any sensible woman in her position would: she goes for a drink and stumbles into Bigi's queer bar and meets Fa. Fa is fun-loving, spontaneous and unattached. Even though the stuck-up doctor isn't Fa's type, she still takes Marie Theres home after the boozy evening. Marie Theres however is too drunk to remember - did we or didn't we? As their world collide, feelings emerge but nothing is simple. There is no straight path for Marie Theres and Fa.
Projection of What a Feeling at SLOVAK QUEER FILM FESTIVAL 2024
18:30 23. Nov | Film was already screened | ||
17:40 25. Nov | Film was already screened |
* Program subject to change