The HoursThe Hours
Director(s): Stephen DaldryUS, GB114 min.2002
96%(9 ratings)
Categories | L, G, fiction |
Accessibility | not suitable for minors under 15 years of age |
Languages | English (orig.) |
Subtitles | czech |
Black and white / colour | color |
A psychological drama where three women’s stories, playing out in three different times and places, are tied together by Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs Dalloway. While Virginia Woolf is writing the novel, Laura Brown is reading it, and Clarissa Vaughan is living it. All three women are connected by the attempt to convince those around them that they are happy, while in reality they are battling demons such as emptiness, depression, their relationships with women and their complicated inner lives. Each of them eventually feels a dire need to escape, regardless of the consequences.
Projection of The Hours at SLOVAK QUEER FILM FESTIVAL 2022
17:00 25. Nov | Film was already screened |
* Program subject to change